Publications – Reviews – Interviews

SPIRALS anthology_front cover

SPIRALS: A multilingual poetry and art anthology, Hari Marini & Barbara Bridger (Eds), Tears in the Fence, Dorset: 2024

This interactive multilingual anthology marks the celebration of the ten-year SPIRALS project (2013-2023) created by PartSuspended artist collective. SPIRALS is a collaborative, multidisciplinary, poetic journey that brings together international artists who share a feminist perspective and unites their voices across the UK, Europe and beyond.

More details about the book and how to get a copy can be found here.


‘Artist Collaboration and Unity in Times of Crisis: The Spirals Project’, N. Díaz-Vicedo and H. Marini, Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture, 13 (2023), 317-339

‘On Spirals’, European Journal of Women’s Studies, ‘Open Forum’ (2022) 29.1, 155-189. Essays on ‘Spiral as metaphor’ by Barbara Bridger, ‘Desire and rage: A female spiral’ by Georgia Kalogeropoulou, ‘A woman’s spiral in cityscape’ by Hari Marini, and ‘The Female Poet Creates Spirals: A Question of Nomadism?’ by Noelia Diaz-Vicedo

Creating Pathways: SPIRALS Open Archive by PartSuspended – Reflection#1, performingborders, December 2022

Collaborative Writing on SPIRALS during the Covid-19 Lockdown, paper presented to “Covid and the Woman Writer”, organised by Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing, The Institute of Modern Languages Research, April 2021

SPIRALS, CIRCLES, GALAXIES, Something Other: On Circularity curated by Maddy Costa, Diana Damian Martin and Mary Paterson, hosted by Live Art Development Agency, May 2020.
Listen to the audio here.

Guest Post: Spirals (2013 – ongoing) by Hari Marini – PartSuspended was published in performingborders, October 2019

Spirals: As If was published in Interim: A Journal of Poetry & Poetics, Volume 36, Issue 3, August 2019

Spirals: Tracks for Finding Home was published in Poetry Film Live, March 2019

Spirals: Paths of Her was published in Interim: A Journal of Poetry & Poetics, Volume 35, Issue 4, October 2018

Spirals: Genesis was published in the Catalan journal of poetry, Revista Kokoro, October 2017

Hari Marini has published her poetry collection 28 διαδρομές της / 28 paths of her, September 2019

Translated by Theo Kominis

Foreword by Barbara Bridger

Translation editing by Andreas Tsanakas

Cover page by Antigoni Pasidi

Mixed and Designed by AKAKIA Publications


28 Paths of Her has been reviewed by Barbara Bridger in Tears in the Fence: an independent, international literary magazine, Issue 70, September 2019.


The book is available from Amazon and AKAKIA Publications.

Review of Hari’s poetry collection 28 διαδρομές της / 28 paths of her

The book has a wonderful sense of how to use and maximise poetic and visual space. I am struck by the shapes and contours of the poems and the use of borders / margins, and the words that employed outside of those borders and margins. They carry additional resonance as well as enhance the poetic effects. […] The book is full of such exact placements, which serve to enhance the text by showing the reader. The poems centrally confront and at angles the experience of a woman migrant walking through urban spaces. There are sensual and performance acts as much as speech and sonic acts throughout and it is this fuller and more enriched narrative scope and focus that draws the reader more fully into the experiences with their multiple and polyphonic basis enacted by the visual and written texts. […] This is the kind of book that one cherishes and will always seek to reread and find more joys from within. 

David Caddy (editor of Tears in the Fence magazine) is a poet, essayist, critic and literary sociologist. He regularly contributes essays to books and journals.

She Said, The National Theatre of Greece – Experimental Stage:

  • Maro Triantafyllou, Newspaper Epoxi (6 May 2018)


  • Mania Zousi, Newspaper Aygi (1 April 2018)

Remain suspended in-between

Hari’s article on PartSuspended’s work entitled ‘Remain suspended in-between’ has been published to the special issue of Journal of Greek Media and Culture ‘Dramaturgies of change: Greek theatre now’ guest edited by Marissia Fragkou and Philip Hager. Volume 3 Issue 2, October 2017.

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