Kaffeeklatsch (German for “coffee gossip”) is set in the café of a theatre. The site of a café acts as a meeting point of people, as a point of exchange of thoughts and emotions. The theatre foyer functions as a gathering point, with the audience full of expectation before the performance starts. Kaffeeklatsch explores both of these sites – café and foyer – at the point they meet.
Kaffeeklatsch calls the audience to experience part of the process of making a performance; a process of being creative by observing life. Kaffeeklatsch will make them wonder about their presence in the threshold of the theatre. Are they the spectators or the creators? Do they have the chance to reflect on the thoughts of others, whether those of their friend, drinking coffee with them, or those of the theatre-maker, creating a performance for them?
By synthesising an audience for an unexpected Happening, Kaffeeklatsch will question the line separates theatre from life.